Wednesday, 4 August 2010

As an apology to belse for my last post

Fiction came to me whilst admiring Jessica Rabbit and I took 10 minutes to write this. I'm such a critic, but this seems to be okay for me.
Ananta (Infinite)
She stood there golden, glowing. Still and dirt-ridden, yet as pure as the rainwater that dipped into the puddles around her as they fell, plummeting gracefully. A tall woman with fierce, auburn hair shining like a glimmer of hope on the outskirts of a dark and threatening future of uncertainty. Her surroundings cast shadows onto her legs, giving her the silhouette of a much yearned for figure. Yet they swallowed her face so that her beauty remained a kept secret. She wore little, although it had once been a lot. What was once a dress of glamour was a rag, tattered, torn and deliciously shortened. The glitter of it’s silk slipped away leaving behind a putrid, garish scarlet and the skin that peered out from a gash in the material exposed the rib. Even then, amid the chaos and destruction, the contrast of her white skin clashing daringly with the scarlet of the silk made it‘s uniquity give it the very beauty of an apprentice geisha, hopeful yet naive.  

Basically thought up an idea looking at J.R's red dress which placed an idea there (much like inception) "how can something so beautiful exist in a world so violent and cruel?" From this I wrote the above and then afterwards, in bed, I decided that she would have perfection but no eyes. Just empty sockets because there is no such thing as total perfection anyway, I also decided that I wanted her to be kept a beautiful being - this means that the world she lives in had to be hidden because the horrors that lay within it would ruin her inner beauty. Anyway...


  1. Aww Ron, that is beautiful
    My favourite line; "rag, tattered, torn and deliciously shortened"

    Belse would be so proud

    Love you Ronaldo

  2. Thanks Ron, my true inspiration was you.
    My fav line is the invisible word 'dan'.
