Monday, 20 June 2011

Oh hai you guise.

So yeah, I haven't been blogging much, I dunno why, I haven't really done anything. Except spend a disgusting amount of money. Tbf I do earn it, so why not..
Well, i'm staying in le Bath until the end of August and have to decide soon on whether i'm returning to Essex or living with father. I'd like to live with father, but mother wants me home :/ But I hate our area so I dunno, maybe. All I need is a driving licence argh!
Work work working.. A lot atm.. Doing nothing in mornings. Hmm, well i'm home Saturday, back Wednesday with Doherty <3. Planned to go out every night, into bristol for shopping, Madagascar exhibition and the other Laura suggested the Bath tour. I ain't too sure about that but she's pretty adament (she wants to wear the headphones). 

How are you lot doing? Are you looking forward to university? I would ;). Also, I was thinking of going to Essex uni next year, giving the whole degree thing another shot now that i've grown up a bit.. I dunno, suggestions?


  1. Awww bubs I miss you so much
    You have to tell me when you come back to the Heath, I need some Roni loving :(

    You should give uni another go if you think its right for you
    And dont go tooo far... I'll miss you

  2. AWWRRR!!
    my sister went Essex Uni and said it was good, but yeah it's totally up to you! some people do better without uni Q Kele from bloc party. Just go with the flow, I'm sure you'll be fine!!

