Monday, 22 February 2010


Seriously one of my biggest role models. Curvy, talented, fashionable, and although she isn't the most gorgeous girl in the world she always manages to look amazing.
Love you Paloma <3.

See you in Belse tomorrow you guys :) Roneigh can't wait to see you my Surrey lover.


  1. Awww Ronstar!
    I cant seee it :(
    (as you know because you're watching!)
    Butttt, you are my heat machine
    Im so happy we're reunited
    Let teh surrey love continue forever

  2. yeahh love her, not so much her music, i mean she has a good voice but her music just doesn't really float my boat
    but i loveee her style and outfits

  3. I love her music cos it's quite old fashioned in a way :) i like too much of a range tbf..
    And she is cool :D.
    Raji - homey - i heart you.
