Friday, 26 February 2010

Once upon a time before we left the english room

The Rons were very constructive in their ideas, i have thus provided you with the means of accessing our inmost thoughts:

Marlow sits like a "buddha"
Could you or should ya
Be reminded of Gooda?
No, he's like Brick
He makes my heart tick
So don't take the mick
Go get him quick
Oh sue
How she feels blue
Maybe she has flu
What's a girl to do?
Big Daddy is naked
A cake Big Mama bakeded
Little does she know he fakeded
That he loved her
Oh ma mere
Mon chere
Say it Roni
Let's go shere

I'll tell you what i Ron what i Roni Roni want
Zigga Zig Ron
Just Ron gonna be ok
Can't keep mr Ron out the Ronald jar.
Ron goes out with her mate Roni
I see you Roni shaking that Ron
Sex Ron sex Ron.
Ron makes me want to SHOUT
She tried to kill Dot what a fucking stupid tramp evil little child
LOL anwar's little lun
Ron it's a cervy jab
No it's a pervy jab
Oh Ron you're so BADDDD
Roni you got me on my knees Roni
I believe in Roni, something Ron in everything i see [sexy time brez]
Oh Roni you came and you gave without taking
And i sent Ron away
Oh Ron you kissed me and stopped me from shaking
And i need you today in Surrey
Tell me more tell me more did she put up a Ron?
TRAGEDY when you lose your Ron it's tragedy!
With no Ron you're going nowhere
My rons bring all the Ronis to the yard
Warm Ron up
Ron glorious Ron
Show me your roniface
It's the eye of the Roni it's the thrill of the Ron
What's new Roniwant WOAHHHH
What would my roni do? Uh oh uh oh.
I wanna be Ron and i want lots of Ronis
Don't know what you heard about Ron
But you can't get a dolla outta me
Something something something
Cos i'm a motherfucking RONI
Fuck boats i ride Rons mother tucker
The truth about Roni
S T A R roni star
Ride roni ride
I kissed a Ron and i liked it
When Ron gets that feeling Ron wants sexual Ronnie
Poetroni should beroni in the languagaroni of modern meinroni
Roni lovin: "ARGH" "OHH" "AHH" "YEP"
Simpleroni langaroni in a complexeroni way.
[Insert picture of saw]
Epic win.


  1. LOL mad skillzz

    'Big Daddy is naked'

    beautiful imagery, obviously :|

  2. LOL
    Im sorry, but we should show this to the stupid lady who is trying to take Belse's space, and then she can tell me how my english is shit :/
    This is epic, in all varients of the word
    "Outstanding" as Belse so nicely put it ;)

  3. Or maybe ron, it is a "step above brilliance... gobbledeegoop".
