I need revision buddies to force me to sit and work, because, I will not. Will not. Do revision alone.
and also, why do some people feel the need to ramble on about how many drugs they take now and how they are so cool for taking drugs and "oh nobody but me and [insert other dickhead's name] do [insert "cool" drug name here] because we're hardcore".. To be frank, I don't care if they take coke or speed or horse tranquilisers or Es or whatever other shit because let's face it, I wouldn't care if they dropped dead anyway & the drugs are on my side helping me to ruin their lives :).
GOD sameeez I really need revsion help ! :O..i jsut get distracted by everythin at home..even a speck of dust or a fly will just take my non thinkingness off english! lool
ReplyDeleteand YEH :| if people wna take drugs cos they think its cool and wanna get ill and bascaiily die..then go right ahead !..their death wish init lol :P
English study club next week yo!
ReplyDeletewe did try that one time but we spent like half an hour deciding on what to call our study group name then gave up, remember? LOL
lets get down to businesssss
oh lol, it's like on facebook when people have pictures of themselves drinking or smoking etc, like there ones where they're just chilling out with friends and taking photos which is fine but some which are so staged and like the bottle takes up half the picture or it's them against a white wall with smoke coming out of their mouths doing the gangsta hand gestures and underneath it written 'weed 4 lyf' or something like that -_-
when they're high on drugs and don't know where to run during the zombie apocalypse, we'll see who's laughing ;) ;)
sorry, that was a tad long :/
ReplyDeleteon the other hand, i know its a film, but ewan mcgregor & the blonde one in trainspotting look hot on drugs.
jus' saying.
lmao, quote "it's like on facebook".
ReplyDeletecant wait to revise ;)