Friday, 18 June 2010

Today i bought

this jumpsuit. £35 in Oasis and £5 in Notting Hill (exact same one cos n.h has the oasis label ;) yay). Ignore the dirty marks on my mirror haha. It looks nice in person.



  1. very noice!
    i'm too short & stubby to pull of this type of playsuit.
    oh and i'm liking the red-box look, very fetching ;)

  2. So am i tbh but it looks fine with massive heels and all i own is skyscraper heels anyway haha.
    Plus it don't look so bad with my new black pumps and when i find my denim shirt it should look itteee.
    Oh and thanks, got the redbox done today ;D.

  3. Well, it happens often that we need to pay for the brand rather than the item of clothing. I had to write a research about how the popular brands make money. Good that at I got the needed help with it on time and also managed to save my 18% with this code g6oa39rW
