Saturday 3 September 2011

Oh I love ya'll ebay..

Out of boredom I got these bargains <3.
This Primark tunic/dress for £2.
This LOVE (topshop brand) bodycon dress for £2..
This Jeffrey Rogers dress £1.
 This Rare by Topshop dress for £2.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Today I move out of my flat in Bath

In 2 and a half hours I will be leaving my prison/mental hospital-esque flat in Bath and moving in with my dad/staying in various homes in Bath (til october). I would like to nsay a few words about how much I hate this building.

The shower has cold water for 20 minutes every time I get in it.
The heater has never worked.
The kitchen lights blow all the time.
The keys SUCK.
It looks like a mental asylum.
It's cold.
It costs the Earth.
Someone keeps coming in my flat.

Thank you Charlton Court for making me ill, making me cold, making me listen to my ex upstairs 24/7 via the ceiling, thank you for the vent that was connected to weedaholics room especially when she was singing disney songs at 4am. God bless you for making me poor.

Monday 18 July 2011

Tuesday 28 June 2011

It's funny, i've kept writing this in my spare time. I do have an odd mind :/..


She stood there golden, still and dirt-ridden yet as pure as the rainwater that dipped into the puddles around her as they fell, plummeting gracefully. A tall woman with fierce auburn hair, shining like a glimmer of hope on the outskirts of a dark and threatening future of uncertainty. Her surroundings cast shadows onto her legs, giving her the silhouette of a much yearned for figure. Yet it swallowed her face so that her beauty remained a kept secret. She wore little, although it had once been a lot. What was once a dress of glamour was a rag, tattered, torn and deliciously shortened. The glitter of it’s silk slipped away leaving behind a putrid, garish scarlet and skin peered out from a gash in the material, the contrast of her white skin clashed daringly with the scarlet of the silk, it’s uniqueness giving it the very beauty of an apprentice geisha.

Her mind drifted into instability and she became unfocused as she attempted to remember what had become of this world. Her eyes swarmed with tears and they became lost in the raindrops stinging her face like acid and forcing deep cuts into her hollow cheekbones, her blood pooling like blotting ink. A feeble attempt to wipe the tears away only let them burn through her gloves leaving nothing but purple ash on her skin. Laughing manically, not understanding why she was crying, Ananta choked back her tears, gathered up her dress and proceeded to step off of the cliff that she was perched upon.

Her legs broke, her neck twisted and her spine crumbled as she landed perfectly on a rocky formation close to the tributary that weaved it's way through what was once the plains of Joanna. Several hours passed before a crooked smile appeared on her face bringing with it open eyes and healed bones. She stood, taking her time to observe her surroundings knowing that this could very well be the last time that it would see her.

Her sleeping pattern was off and flashbacks of bright lights and inconsistent flashes kept her awake for hours on end. The caresses of the wind disturbed any light sleep that she managed to indulge in, it forcefully entered it's way into her mind reminding her of past lives and physical contact. Physical contact sickened her unless she initiated it, it only caused lost loves and lost lives. She could not remember who she had loved and who she had lost but the pain that she felt when she had lost them remained within her, acting as a destructive force that was slowly eating away at her soul. Ananta feared being emotionless and emotionless she was to become unless she remembered why she was running and who from.

It had been her world, now it was desolate and unfamiliar to her. The suns now burnt an unwelcoming lime and split a toxic light onto the vast and rapidly drying landscape rather than greeting all those that witnessed them, no longer offering to bathe them in a golden glow. The plantation was flourishing despite malnourishment, it grew black and threatening, leering towards Ananta who was drawn to the darkness it now possessed. She stumbled through a thicket, vines like serpents attaching themselves to her ankle, towards the darkness of the flora. Something nibbled gently at her ankles, soft pinches drew fresh blood from her and a tongue received it. Startled, Ananta looked down and attempted to draw back in sheer horror but the creature restricted her movements, she was shaken and tumbled backwards into the vines. The creature leered over her and as it lowered it's head to study her features it squealed and shuffled back into the shadows of the overgrown vines. Terrified, Ananta ripped vines from her body and with some timidness approached the hiding creature.

Creature was shy and he shuffled amongst the plantation, his eyes yellow and steady. Ananta drew close and grabbed onto his dull grey tail, with one swift motion she propelled him right at her so as to get a closer glimpse. He was beautiful she thought as she took in his soft paws and ruffled coat of fur, perhaps a dull grey but speckled with a blood red which seemed to lay underneath his greyness. Creature was a mutation of the cat species on her planet, his red fur grew and grew without proper maintenance until it fell to the dreary ash colour of death, he moulted with season and purred without reason. His whiskers took on the appearance of a mustache and his voice was feminine, he was the runt of the Mange kittens. With a soft yet sharp hiss he flashed Ananta a glimpse of the unnaturally large fangs he kept hidden from The Predators. She laughed and caressed the cat's large felt ears and he purred with the volume of a train, it'd been a long time since their last meeting. 

Copyright © 2011  

Monday 20 June 2011

Oh hai you guise.

So yeah, I haven't been blogging much, I dunno why, I haven't really done anything. Except spend a disgusting amount of money. Tbf I do earn it, so why not..
Well, i'm staying in le Bath until the end of August and have to decide soon on whether i'm returning to Essex or living with father. I'd like to live with father, but mother wants me home :/ But I hate our area so I dunno, maybe. All I need is a driving licence argh!
Work work working.. A lot atm.. Doing nothing in mornings. Hmm, well i'm home Saturday, back Wednesday with Doherty <3. Planned to go out every night, into bristol for shopping, Madagascar exhibition and the other Laura suggested the Bath tour. I ain't too sure about that but she's pretty adament (she wants to wear the headphones). 

How are you lot doing? Are you looking forward to university? I would ;). Also, I was thinking of going to Essex uni next year, giving the whole degree thing another shot now that i've grown up a bit.. I dunno, suggestions?

Friday 27 May 2011

LOL fb message

'i saw your pic. i dont have words to say when i see your pic, i cant believe my eyes because  you are so pretty as well as seems to be you are so innocent ..... if i called you beauty its not very good for you, you are more than that.... i want to friendship with you. if make me friend then i feel i am the world luckiest man..... :)'

EPIC SCORE. Me so beautiful.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Decided to make a blog of all my charity shop wins.

Sunday 8 May 2011

I have to stop charity shopping

Seriously. I have new topshop joggers and a black bralet now. And i also got this for £3.50 :) I love it.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Sunday 24 April 2011

Latest garage find

The olympia KC 2000 camera kit (missing bag and remote control). I look unbelievably cool with it despite being too lazy to buy any film. Seriously though..

Saturday 16 April 2011

Being camp

Northdown farm is in Dorset. It is £5 per person per night. It is 5km from Weymouth town.. But I ran 5km and it takes me 30-45 mins so god knows what walking's like.. So it is a bit far.. But I put it anyway.

£5 per tent per night. Campfires and cooking on fires are allowed. Onsite shop and bike hire. Free map to show directions to local sites. Showers are available but for money (I think it's 20p) and toilets are free :P. Sadly 8 miles from brighton town centre :(.
Southdown Farm campsite is also in Brighton (well, East Sussex) the town of Hassocks is a ten minte walk from there which has a train station (with trains to brighton only ten minutes and to london only an hour). Water, shower and toilets all new and free. A 2 man tent is £12 per night.

Pinewoods is in North Norfolk, it is £15 per pitch per night (so based on 2 people sharing £7.50 a night) it is on the beach and a short walk from Wells-Next-The-Sea. Check this, there's a boating lake for me and wak to enjoy hours of pleasurable poetry, windsurfing, kayaking, trampolines and pool tables. There is also lots of shops onsite.

Hemsby, Norfolk

Hemsby is gorgeous <3. The Long Beach tent estate takes groups of young people if there is prior arrangement and they are satisfied that there are no behaviour problems. It is £10 per 2 man tent and it is a 16 minute walk to the main town with arcades, restaurants etc. There is also a supermarket, bar, laundry, showers etc onsite. I've stayed there before it's really nice & mum said if we go we can use her shower in the chalet hahaha.

Delamere Forest campsite is opposite the train station at Chester, it is 5 minutes from Go Ape! Activity Centre and is situated in the gothic/Roman city of Chester, 30 minutes from Liverpool.


Shell Island is sehr pretty and is the largest camp site in Europe. It is 2.5 miles from Llanbedr where the station is so a taxi shouldn't cost too much! It has shops, bars, free showers/toilets, hair drying room(!), launderette and supermarket. It is £7.25 per night.

East Sussex (Kent) 
Free showers and toilets, very nice. They offer lessons every saturday inc. fire making, spoon carving (which actually looks cool) and cooking. You can easily get there by train from Eridge station, however it is £12.75 per person per night.

To be completed...


I'm definately coming back at the beginning of June, just over a month to go!
I have been diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder and have refused pills to "help" me, so when I come back i'm using it to guilt you all into seeing me ;).
I can't wait for the Rolf Gang to be back together before you go to uni, camping <3.
I love you all sooooooooooooo much and can't wait to spend a bit more time with you.

Friday 15 April 2011

This is. Bath.

Being "reem" 
Hard at work
Having photo with giants
Eating food.
Flashing my sexy white granny pants.
 Tying balloons to ellie.
Having picnics with sexy men.
But i can't wait to come back home.. :D.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Thursday 17 March 2011

Another charity shop win

Last week i got this cardigan from Cancer Research for £8.
I've wanted a pin up style figure hugging wiggle dress for AGES now and i get it in Cancer Research for £6.50 only to find out it's $375 online. Win. 

Friday 11 March 2011


I just joined and it's so good!! You put unwanted clothes on and browse other people's stuff to see if anyone would like to swap. So far i swapped a dress i hate for some awesome floral shorts <3.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Marilyn – Hollywood Icon: Exhibition bath

American Museum in Britain, 12:00 Featureing twenty of the screen goddess’s gowns and outfits, original photographs and posters, and personal items, all kindly loaned by private collector David Gainsborough Roberts. This special exhibition is part of an exciting programme events to celebrate the 50th birthday the museum.

Exhibition runs from 12 March – 30 October 2011

Venue: American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Bath BA2 7BD
Time: Tuesday - Sunday 12.00 noon - 5.00pm
Tickets: Adult £9.00, Concessions £8.00, Child (5-16) £5.00
For more information: Visit


Tuesday 1 March 2011

Friday 25 February 2011

Quick life catch up

I am beautiful
I dyed my hair "auburn aka ginger" and it's black
Went to bristol zoo
Invented wine holder
Look chinese every night out.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Missing home more than ever

especially when i have these two as my background:

LOL chadwell heath

There have been 517 crimes in your area since Dec 2010, here's a short list:
anti-social-behaviour: 212 (41%)
other-crime: 110 (21%)
vehicle-crime: 65 (13%)
burglary: 64 (12%)
violent-crime: 52 (10%)
robbery: 14 (3%)
The most crime affected area close to your was On or near Goodmayes Road with 24 of those crimes.

Rolf. Out of my mates mine is highest, the 2nd highest was 113. Stupid CH.

Cut my fringe,, again.

I was scared I cut it too high and nearly cried haha but it looks ok, it'll look better longer.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Aw ron

Purely because Ron did it, I myself did this colourgenics thingy:

You are a very emotional and sensitive individual. Your life and love of life is dominated by your emotions - you have great feeling towards your fellow man and you are always full of enthusiasm but be careful, you tend to let your heart rule your head and this being so, you could be easily hurt - as perhaps you may have indeed been hurt in the past.
You are willing to try anything once. You 'need to be needed' and what is perhaps more important you 'need to need.' You can only feel close to a person or persons when you feel you can trust them, but this trust needs to be proven to you.
You lack confidence and that is a great pity because deep down you are indeed a warm caring person. This lack of confidence is making you wary of being drawn into any open discussion or conflict and so you feel as if you should let matters lie and leave well alone. But there may be a pleasant surprise in store for you. You are beginning to grow and very soon - sooner than you believed possible - this warm loving new you will be available for all to see and to appreciate.
Whatever you strive to do, something always seems to be holding you back. There is no subterfuge in you. You are a clear thinker and all you demand from life, in a relationship, is a partner whom you can trust and with whom you can, together, develop a foundation of trust based on understanding. You are your own person and you demand freedom of thought to follow your own convictions. You have no interest in 'two-timing' and all you seek is sincerity and 'straight-dealing'.
You need to be needed and would like a situation where you will no longer be subjected to pressures and demands from those about you. There is no harm in 'dreaming' but it is you - and only you - that can be able to realise those dreams and to turn them into reality.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Russian dolls

Dad's girlfriend from Sydney bought me these:

rofl frank rolf my face

Thursday 20 January 2011

Worst day EVER

My best friend that I fell for rejected me because I came in his life too soon. Exactly what every guy I fall for says.
Woke up late AGAIN for my publishing workshop.
Handed the work i've spent two months doing into the wrong box.
I'm just going to drop out it's making me depressed.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

My editorial portfolio

Consists of:
1. Intro
2. Cornwall chalets
3. Hotel reviews - italy and scotland
4. Chalet furnishing taglines
5. Spelling & punctuation mistakes in essex (many in sainsburys!)
6. Charity organisation in bristol research and article
7. The enchanted palace - kensington palace - review
8. The Social Network in 5 sentances
9. Film review - Shaun of the Dead
10. Writing book copy - vintage designers in  london
11. Blog re: mods in London
12. Book blurb re: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
13. Punctuation: writing about the full stop like a mysterious superhero
14. Checking recipes for errors
15. Own magazine (mine is MAKE magazine - bloggers magazine)
16. Promoting competitions
17. Analysis of mother and baby articles
18. Analysis of 'Diva' lesbian magazine

Saturday 15 January 2011

Thursday 13 January 2011

Friday 7 January 2011


Got my tooth bitten in half by a dog. YAY. So embarassing.

Saturday 1 January 2011

2011 kicks off with tomb raider

Of my 19 years of living on Earth, alive, I have never had a New Year's eve out. I have been stuck inside all year round. 2010 was a great year, maybe 2011 can beat it.
Two things I learnt from 2010: 1) I hate katy perry. 2) I love rihanna. FACT.